
AL Women's Studies

D.F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters

Women's Studies Courses For Summer 2007

Last Updated: Tuesday, September 18, 2007 at 21.02.27

 Course    Course Title     Credit            Meeting    Meeting                       
Pref Num  Sec   Call# Cap Enrl     Bld/Room    Days       Time        Campus           Instructor             

Courses offered at the Boca Raton campus
WST 2010 INTRO TO WOMEN'S STUDIES 001 A 12935 40 30 3 GS 108 TR 01:15-04:25PM Boca Raton Beoku-Betts, Josep Available for 60+Audit
WST 3305 SEX/MYTH/PWR & POPULAR CULTURE 001 A 13199 40 39 3 FL 427 MW 01:15-04:25PM Boca Raton Caputi, Jane E.
WST 4905 DIRECTED INDEPENDENT STUDY 001 A 12937 20 1- 3 TBA Boca Raton Tba, Staff Permission needed from instructor
WST 6909 DIRECTED INDEPENDENT STUDY 001 A 12939 10 1 1- 3 TBA Boca Raton Rose, Marsha S. Permission needed from instructor
WST 6971 MASTER'S THESIS S/U 001 A 12940 20 1- 6 TBA Boca Raton Rose, Marsha S. Permission needed from instructor
Courses offered at the Davie campus
WST 3640 SEX/GENDER IN AMERICAN CULTURE 001 A 13472 35 26 3 LA 132 TR 04:45-07:55PM Davie Shand, Aimee
Courses offered at the Jupiter campus
WST 3930 FEMINIST PERSPECT ON GENDER 001 A 13490 35 16 3 MW 04:45-07:55PM Jupiter Pilnick, Lauren
Courses offered at Other campuses
WST 4417 GENDER, CULTURE AND GHANA 001 A 13511 8 4 3 TBA Other Darlington, Patric Permission needed from instructor
WST 4930 W. AFRICAN WOM VOICES FOR GEN 001 A 13513 8 3 3 TBA Other Darlington, Patric Permission needed from instructor
WST 6934 GEND CUL & SOC CHG IN GHANA 001 A 13510 8 1 3 TBA Other Darlington, Patric Permission needed from instructor
WST 6934 W. AFRICAN WOM VOICES FOR GEN 002 A 13512 8 3 TBA Other Darlington, Patric Permission needed from instructor [Back to Index] [Back to Dept]