
HC Honors College-Interdisciplinary Studies

H.L. Wilkes Honors College

Honors College-Interdisciplinary Studies Courses For Spring 2007

Last Updated: Tuesday, May 29, 2007 at 12.43.46

 Course    Course Title     Credit            Meeting    Meeting                       
Pref Num  Sec   Call# Cap Enrl     Bld/Room    Days       Time        Campus           Instructor             

Courses offered at the Jupiter campus
IDH 1022 HONORS COLLEGE FORUM S/U 001 12486 250 119 1 AD 119 F 01:00-01:50PM Jupiter Buller, Jeffrey Honors College only
IDS 2932 HONORS THE PROGRESS DEBATE 001 15579 20 17 1 HA 102 MW 04:00-04:20PM Jupiter Fewkes, Jacqueline Mclaughlin, Amy Honors College only Important info at
IDS 3932 HONORS DA VINCI:ARTIST,SCINTST 002 15583 20 23 1 SR 283 T 02:00-02:50PM Jupiter Quintyne, Nicholas Jiang, Yu Honors College only Permission needed from instructor CLOSED
IDS 3932 HONORS SCIENCE & MATH SEMINAR 003 15957 30 31 1 AD 206 F 11:00-11:50AM Jupiter Karr, Ryan D. Quintyne, Nicholas Honors College only Permission needed from instructor CLOSED
IDS 3932 HONORS INTRODUCTION TO GIS 004 16292 30 30 1 AD 122 T 01:00-01:50PM Jupiter O'Brien, William E Fitchett, Stephani Honors College only Permission needed from instructor CLOSED
IDS 4930 HONORS BIOSTATISTICS 001 17274 1 1 1- 3 TBA Jupiter Wetterer, James K. Honors College only Permission needed from instructor CLOSED
IDS 4933 HONORS NATURE DOCUMENTARIES 001 15580 16 20 3 AD 204 R 04:00-06:50PM Jupiter Ely, Christopher D O'Brien, William E Honors College only Permission needed from instructor CLOSED
IDS 4933 HONORS ETHNOMATHEMATICS 002 15581 16 16 3 T 01:00-03:50PM Jupiter Fewkes, Jacqueline Hoim, Terje Honors College only Permission needed from instructor CLOSED
IDS 4947 HONORS INTERN/INTERDIS STUDIES S/U 001 12494 5 1 1-12 TBA Jupiter Tunick, Mark E. Honors College only Permission needed from instructor S/U 002 12495 3 1-12 TBA Jupiter Strain, Christophe Honors College only Permission needed from instructor S/U 003 12496 3 1-12 TBA Jupiter Corr, Rachel E. Honors College only Permission needed from instructor S/U 004 16353 4 1 1-12 TBA Jupiter O'Brien, William E Honors College only Permission needed from instructor
IDS 4957 HONORS INTERDISC THESIS 001 16745 1 1 1-15 TBA Jupiter Weisser, Christian Permission needed from instructor Honors College only CLOSED
IDS 4970 HONORS INTERDISCIPLNRY THESIS 001 12497 10 1- 6 TBA Jupiter Gosser, Mary Ann Honors College only Permission needed from instructor 002 12498 10 1- 6 TBA Jupiter Njambi, Wairimu N. Honors College only Permission needed from instructor 003 12499 10 1- 6 TBA Jupiter Tunick, Mark E. Honors College only Permission needed from instructor 004 12500 2 1 1- 6 TBA Jupiter O'Brien, William E Honors College only Permission needed from instructor 006 12502 3 1- 6 TBA Jupiter Strain, Christophe Honors College only Permission needed from instructor 007 16432 3 1 1- 6 TBA Jupiter Steigenga, Timothy Honors College only Permission needed from instructor 008 16693 2 1 1- 6 TBA Jupiter Corr, Rachel E. Honors College only Permission needed from instructor
SLS 1501 HONORS INTRO TO ACADEMIC LIFE 001 16141 1 F 02:00-02:50PM Jupiter Metianu, Mihaela Honors College only CANCELLED [Back to Index] [Back to Dept]