
HC Honors College-Humanities

H.L. Wilkes Honors College

Honors College-Humanities Courses For Spring 2007

Last Updated: Tuesday, May 29, 2007 at 12.43.46

 Course    Course Title     Credit            Meeting    Meeting                       
Pref Num  Sec   Call# Cap Enrl     Bld/Room    Days       Time        Campus           Instructor             

Courses offered at the Jupiter campus
HUM 2932 HONORS WRITING IN HUMANITIES I 001 15577 16 14 1 HC 116 W 01:00-01:50PM Jupiter Barrett, Laura A. Honors College only
HUM 3320 HONORS CNTEMP MULTCULT STUDIES 001 15578 16 10 3 HC 115 TR 04:00-05:20PM Jupiter White, Daniel R. Gordon Rule Course Honors College only
HUM 4905 HONORS PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION 001 16730 2 1- 3 TBA Jupiter White, Daniel R. Honors College only Permission needed from instructor
HUM 4947 HONORS INTERNSHIP/HUMANITIES 001 12480 1 1-12 TBA Jupiter Barrett, Laura A. Honors College only Permission needed from instructor 002 12481 1 1-12 TBA Jupiter Vazquez, Miguel A. Honors College only Permission needed from instructor 003 12482 1 1 1-12 TBA Jupiter Harrawood, Michael Honors College only Permission needed from instructor CLOSED
LNW 2560 HONORS READGS LATIN LIT:VIRGIL 001 15902 1 1 4 TBA Jupiter White, Daniel R. Honors College only Permission needed from instructor CLOSED
MUS 2670 HONORS MUSIC AND SOCIETY 001 16042 28 21 3 AD 206 T 04:00-06:50PM Jupiter Lomer, Beverly R. Honors College only
Courses offered at Other campuses
HUM 2952 HONORS HUMANITIES STUDY ABROAD 001 12473 1 1 1- 4 TBA Other Barrett, Laura A. Honors College only Permission needed from instructor CLOSED 002 12474 1 1- 4 TBA Other Tba, Staff Honors College only Permission needed from instructor 003 12475 1 1- 4 TBA Other Tba, Staff Honors College only Permission needed from instructor
HUM 4957 HONORS HUMANITIES STUDY ABROAD 001 12483 1 1- 4 TBA Other Tba, Staff Honors College only Permission needed from instructor 002 12484 1 1- 4 TBA Other Tba, Staff Honors College only Permission needed from instructor [Back to Index] [Back to Dept]