
AL Philosophy

D.F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters

Philosophy Courses For Fall 2007

Last Updated: Monday, January 07, 2008 at 21.02.47

 Course    Course Title     Credit            Meeting    Meeting                       
Pref Num  Sec   Call# Cap Enrl     Bld/Room    Days       Time        Campus           Instructor             

Courses offered at the Boca Raton campus
HUM 3949 COOP EDUCATION-HUMANITIES S/U 001 12167 35 22 1- 4 TBA Boca Raton Keaton, Kenneth Permission needed from instructor
PHH 3100 ANCIENT PHILOSOPHY 001 13674 30 29 3 ED 120 TR 11:00-12:20PM Boca Raton Gould, Carol S.
PHH 3420 EARLY MODERN PHILOSOPHY 001 13676 30 24 4 AL 344 MW 02:00-03:50PM Boca Raton Niemi, Jari
PHI 2010 INTRODUCTION TO PHILOSOPHY 001 14719 27 30 3 AL 342 T 07:10-10:00PM Boca Raton Marcelle, Daniel J Writing Across Curriculum (Gordon Rule) or Prereq course reqd w/ min grade of C ENC 1101 (cont.) Prereq reqd w/ min grade of C ENC 1102 CLOSED 002 14720 27 27 3 AL 342 R 07:10-10:00PM Boca Raton Glynn, Simon V. Writing Across Curriculum (Gordon Rule) or Prereq course reqd w/ min grade of C ENC 1101 (cont.) Prereq reqd w/ min grade of C ENC 1102 CLOSED 003 14721 27 26 3 SO 370 TR 09:30-10:50AM Boca Raton Marcelle, Daniel J Writing Across Curriculum (Gordon Rule) or Prereq course reqd w/ min grade of C ENC 1101 (cont.) Prereq reqd w/ min grade of C ENC 1102 004 14722 27 26 3 AL 344 TR 11:00-12:20PM Boca Raton Dobson, Andrew M. Writing Across Curriculum (Gordon Rule) or Prereq course reqd w/ min grade of C ENC 1101 (cont.) Prereq reqd w/ min grade of C ENC 1102 005 14723 27 27 3 GS 107 TR 12:30-01:50PM Boca Raton Gobeo, Mark Writing Across Curriculum (Gordon Rule) or Prereq course reqd w/ min grade of C ENC 1101 (cont.) Prereq reqd w/ min grade of C ENC 1102 CLOSED 006 14724 27 26 3 AH 204 TR 02:00-03:20PM Boca Raton Gobeo, Mark Writing Across Curriculum (Gordon Rule) or Prereq course reqd w/ min grade of C ENC 1101 (cont.) Prereq reqd w/ min grade of C ENC 1102 007 14725 27 24 3 SO 370 MWF 09:00-09:50AM Boca Raton Niemi, Jari Writing Across Curriculum (Gordon Rule) or Prereq course reqd w/ min grade of C ENC 1101 (cont.) Prereq reqd w/ min grade of C ENC 1102 008 14726 27 25 3 SO 370 MWF 10:00-10:50AM Boca Raton Brown, Barron Writing Across Curriculum (Gordon Rule) or Prereq course reqd w/ min grade of C ENC 1101 (cont.) Prereq reqd w/ min grade of C ENC 1102 009 14727 27 25 3 SO 370 MWF 11:00-11:50AM Boca Raton Brown, Barron Writing Across Curriculum (Gordon Rule) or Prereq course reqd w/ min grade of C ENC 1101 (cont.) Prereq reqd w/ min grade of C ENC 1102 010 14728 27 29 3 GS 115 MWF 12:00-12:50PM Boca Raton Caraway, James Writing Across Curriculum (Gordon Rule) or Prereq course reqd w/ min grade of C ENC 1101 (cont.) Prereq reqd w/ min grade of C ENC 1102 CLOSED 011 14729 27 27 3 GS 116 MWF 01:00-01:50PM Boca Raton Niemi, Jari Writing Across Curriculum (Gordon Rule) or Prereq course reqd w/ min grade of C ENC 1101 (cont.) Prereq reqd w/ min grade of C ENC 1102 CLOSED 012 14730 27 30 3 SO 370 MWF 02:00-02:50PM Boca Raton Caraway, James Writing Across Curriculum (Gordon Rule) or Prereq course reqd w/ min grade of C ENC 1101 (cont.) Prereq reqd w/ min grade of C ENC 1102 CLOSED 013 14731 27 25 3 SO 370 MWF 03:00-03:50PM Boca Raton Brown, Barron Writing Across Curriculum (Gordon Rule) or Prereq course reqd w/ min grade of C ENC 1101 (cont.) Prereq reqd w/ min grade of C ENC 1102 014 14732 180 107 3 SO 250 MW 01:00-01:50PM Boca Raton Dobson, Andrew M. Writing Across Curriculum (Gordon Rule) or Prereq course reqd w/ min grade of C ENC 1101 (cont.) Prereq reqd w/ min grade of C ENC 1102 Activity corequisite required DIS
PHI 2010 Discussion 015 14733 30 24 0 GS 208 F 12:00-12:50PM Boca Raton Sherbundy, Suzanne Writing Across Curriculum (Gordon Rule) or Prereq course reqd w/ min grade of C ENC 1101 (cont.) Prereq reqd w/ min grade of C ENC 1102 Activity corequisite required LEC 016 14734 30 11 0 AL 344 F 12:00-12:50PM Boca Raton Cahill, Katherine Writing Across Curriculum (Gordon Rule) or Prereq course reqd w/ min grade of C ENC 1101 (cont.) Prereq reqd w/ min grade of C ENC 1102 Activity corequisite required LEC 017 14735 30 4 0 GS 117 F 12:00-12:50PM Boca Raton Abadia, Melodie Writing Across Curriculum (Gordon Rule) or Prereq course reqd w/ min grade of C ENC 1101 (cont.) Prereq reqd w/ min grade of C ENC 1102 Activity corequisite required LEC 018 14736 30 26 0 GS 208 F 01:00-01:50PM Boca Raton Sherbundy, Suzanne Writing Across Curriculum (Gordon Rule) or Prereq course reqd w/ min grade of C ENC 1101 (cont.) Prereq reqd w/ min grade of C ENC 1102 Activity corequisite required LEC 019 14737 30 20 0 GS 117 F 01:00-01:50PM Boca Raton Abadia, Melodie Writing Across Curriculum (Gordon Rule) or Prereq course reqd w/ min grade of C ENC 1101 (cont.) Prereq reqd w/ min grade of C ENC 1102 Activity corequisite required LEC 020 14738 30 11 0 ED 125 F 01:00-01:50PM Boca Raton Cahill, Katherine Writing Across Curriculum (Gordon Rule) or Prereq course reqd w/ min grade of C ENC 1101 (cont.) Prereq reqd w/ min grade of C ENC 1102 Activity corequisite required LEC
PHI 3132 LOGIC 001 13680 30 30 3 GS 110 TR 02:00-03:20PM Boca Raton Dobson, Andrew M. Gordon Rule Course CLOSED
PHI 4420 PHIL OF HUMAN & SOCIAL SCIENCE 001 14740 30 24 3 AL 345 TR 05:30-06:50PM Boca Raton Glynn, Simon V.
PHI 4633 BIOMEDICAL ETHICS 001 14741 20 18 4 GS 116 W 04:00-06:50PM Boca Raton Fiore, Robin N.
PHI 4661 ETHICS 001 13684 30 29 3 BU 105 TR 12:30-01:50PM Boca Raton Fiore, Robin N.
PHI 4905 DIRECTED INDEPENDENT STUDY 001 13685 20 1- 4 TBA Boca Raton Banchetti, Marina Permission needed from instructor
PHI 4905 ETHICS RACE GENDER 002 16745 1 1 1- 4 TBA Boca Raton Fiore, Robin N. CLOSED
PHI 4930 RECENT EUROPEAN PHILOSOPHY 002 15103 30 15 3 ED 125 MWF 10:00-10:50AM Boca Raton Ruf, Henry L.
PHI 4930 PHILOSOPHIES OF ASIA 003 15104 30 20 3 BU 105 MWF 12:00-12:50PM Boca Raton Ruf, Henry L.
PHI 4938 SENIOR SEMINAR IN PHILOSOPHY 001 13686 15 10 3 AH 108 W 01:00-03:50PM Boca Raton Banchetti, Marina Permission needed from department Senior or higher
PHI 6806 PHILOSOPHY OF ART 001 15105 5 3 3 AH 108 R 04:00-06:50PM Boca Raton Gould, Carol S.
PHI 6905 DIRECTED INDEPEND STUDY 001 15497 20 3 1- 4 TBA Boca Raton Banchetti, Marina Permission needed from instructor
PHI 6930 BIOMEDICAL ETHICS 001 15106 10 10 3 GS 116 W 04:00-06:50PM Boca Raton Fiore, Robin N. CLOSED
PHI 6930 AMER & FRENCH 20TH C THOUGHT 002 15613 5 4 3 AH 108 M 04:00-06:50PM Boca Raton Shusterman, Richar
PHM 6228 GLOBLZTN IN PHILOS PERSPETVE 001 15107 10 2 3 AH 108 T 07:10-10:00PM Boca Raton Glynn, Simon V. [Back to Index] [Back to Dept]