
EG Civil Engineering

Coll Engineering/Computer Sci

Civil Engineering Courses For Fall 2007

Last Updated: Monday, January 07, 2008 at 21.02.47

 Course    Course Title     Credit            Meeting    Meeting                       
Pref Num  Sec   Call# Cap Enrl     Bld/Room    Days       Time        Campus           Instructor             

Courses offered at the Boca Raton campus
CEG 4012 FOUNDATION ENGINEERING 001 10631 30 17 3 IS 117 TR 12:30-01:50PM Boca Raton Sobhan, Khaled Permission needed from department Video Conf Send Site
CEGC3011 SOIL MECHANICS 001 10635 35 35 4 GS 109 TR 08:00-09:20AM Boca Raton Sobhan, Khaled EG 262 R 02:00-04:30PM Boca Raton College of Engineering $10.00 Lab Fee Permission needed from department CLOSED
CES 4605 STRUCTURAL STEEL DESIGN 001 10645 35 16 3 BU 409 MW 09:30-10:50AM Boca Raton Yong, Yan Permission needed from department
CGN 2327 FUNDAMENTALS OF AUTOCAD 001 10655 24 24 3 EG 267 W 04:00-06:50PM Boca Raton Kaisar, Evangelos Permission needed from department CLOSED 002 15748 24 25 3 EG 267 M 04:00-06:50PM Boca Raton Teegavarapu, Rames Permission needed from department CLOSED 003 16131 24 16 3 EG 267 T 04:00-06:50PM Boca Raton Scarlatos, Panagio Kaisar, Evangelos Wheeler, Gary Permission needed from department Regular class w/some Web activities (Blackboard)
CGN 4905 DIR IND STY IN CIVL ENGRG 001 10656 25 1- 3 TBA Boca Raton Scarlatos, Panagio Permission needed from department
CGN 4905 TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS ENG 002 15925 2 2 1- 3 TBA Boca Raton Kaisar, Evangelos Permission needed from department CLOSED
CGN 4905 ENGINEERING WORK ETHICS 003 15954 1 1 1- 3 TBA Boca Raton Bloetscher, Freder Permission needed from department CLOSED
CGN 4905 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT 004 15984 1 1 1- 3 TBA Boca Raton Bloetscher, Freder Permission needed from department CLOSED
CGN 4905 MARINE STRUCTURES 005 16042 1- 3 TBA Boca Raton Reddy, Dronnadula Permission needed from department CLOSED
CGN 4930 STATICS 001 14946 45 38 3 BU 303 MW 08:00-09:20AM Boca Raton Yong, Yan Permission needed from department EG Seniors and higher
CGN 4930 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS 002 14947 40 28 3 GS 115 TR 11:00-12:20PM Boca Raton Reddy, Dronnadula Permission needed from department EG Seniors and higher
CGNC3501 CIVIL ENGINEERING MATERIALS 001 10660 40 38 3 GN 102 MW 12:00-12:50PM Boca Raton Arockiasamy, Madas EG 152 W 02:00-04:20PM Boca Raton GS 108 W 02:00-04:20PM Boca Raton College of Engineering $10.00 Lab Fee Permission needed from department Regular class w/some Web activities (Blackboard)
CGNC3501 CIVIL ENGINEERING MATERIALS 002 16026 40 37 3 GN 102 MW 12:00-12:50PM Boca Raton Arockiasamy, Madas EG 152 M 02:00-04:20PM Boca Raton FL 409 M 02:00-04:20PM Boca Raton College of Engineering $10.00 Lab Fee Permission needed from department Regular class w/some Web activities (Blackboard)
CGNC4803 CIVIL ENGINEERING DESIGN I 001 10661 25 29 3 GS 115 T 04:20-07:00PM Boca Raton Meeroff, Daniel E. Permission needed from department EG Seniors and higher CLOSED
CGNC4804 CIVIL ENGINEERING DESIGN II 001 10662 17 15 3 GS 108 R 04:00-06:50PM Boca Raton Bloetscher, Freder Permission needed from department
CWRC3201 APPLIED HYDRAULICS 001 10958 35 35 4 GS 119 TR 09:30-10:50AM Boca Raton Teegavarapu, Rames EG 152 T 02:00-04:20PM Boca Raton Permission needed from department Regular class w/some Web activities (Blackboard) CLOSED
CWRC3201 APPLIED HYDRAULICS 002 16027 35 31 4 GS 119 TR 09:30-10:50AM Boca Raton Teegavarapu, Rames EG 152 T 04:30-06:50PM Boca Raton Permission needed from department Regular class w/some Web activities (Blackboard)
ENV 3001 ENVIRONMNTL SCIENCE/ENGINEERNG 001 11730 40 33 3 EG 162 TR 12:30-01:50PM Boca Raton Meeroff, Daniel E. EG 152 F 09:00-11:20AM Boca Raton EG 267 F 09:00-11:20AM Boca Raton College of Engineering $15.00 Lab Fee Permission needed from department
ENV 4514 WATER AND WASTEWATER TECHNOLGY 001 14555 30 29 3 IS 123 T 07:10-10:00PM Boca Raton Bloetscher, Freder Permission needed from department Video Conf Send Site
TTE 4004 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING 1 001 14469 75 62 3 BH 102 MW 08:00-09:20AM Boca Raton Kaisar, Evangelos Permission needed from department
CEG 6105 ADV FOUNDATION ENGINEERING 001 10632 20 3 3 IS 123 TR 12:30-01:50PM Boca Raton Sobhan, Khaled Permission needed from department 002 10633 20 2 3 LY 214 TR 12:30-01:50PM Boca Raton Sobhan, Khaled FEEDS, $100.00 Off Campus Activity Fee Permission needed from department FEEDS Videotaped classroom sessions
CES 6607 ADVANCED STEEL STRUCTURES 001 15638 20 3 3 IS 101 T 04:20-07:00PM Boca Raton Arockiasamy, Madas 002 15639 20 2 3 LY 214 T 04:20-07:00PM Boca Raton Arockiasamy, Madas FEEDS, $100.00 Off Campus Activity Fee Permission needed from department FEEDS Videotaped classroom sessions
CGN 6905 DIRECTED INDEPENDENT STUDY 001 10658 20 1 1- 3 TBA Boca Raton Scarlatos, Panagio Permission needed from instructor
CGN 6905 ADVANCED MEMBRANE TECHNOLOGY 002 16126 1 1 1- 3 TBA Boca Raton Bloetscher, Freder Permission needed from instructor CLOSED
CGN 6905 ADVANCED HYDRAULICS 003 16165 1 1 1- 3 TBA Boca Raton Teegavarapu, Rames CLOSED
CGN 6905 DYNAMIC HYDROLOGY 004 16181 1 1- 3 TBA Boca Raton Teegavarapu, Rames
CGN 6905 ADV MECH MATERIALS IN CIV ENG 005 16770 4 4 1- 3 TBA Boca Raton Yong, Yan CLOSED
CGN 6930 MARINE STRUCTURES 001 14948 20 3 3 IS 101 M 07:10-10:00PM Boca Raton Reddy, Dronnadula Permission needed from department 002 14949 20 3 LY 214 M 07:10-10:00PM Boca Raton Reddy, Dronnadula FEEDS, $100.00 Off Campus Activity Fee Permission needed from department FEEDS Videotaped classroom sessions
CGN 6930 HWAY TRAFFIC CHAR & MEASRMNTS 004 15121 20 1 3 IS 101 W 07:10-10:00PM Boca Raton Kaisar, Evangelos Permission needed from department 005 15122 20 3 LY 214 W 07:10-10:00PM Boca Raton Kaisar, Evangelos FEEDS, $100.00 Off Campus Activity Fee Permission needed from department FEEDS Videotaped classroom sessions
CGN 6971 MASTERS THESIS-CIVIL ENGRG S/U 001 10659 20 9 1-10 TBA Boca Raton Scarlatos, Panagio Permission needed from department
CWR 6525 DYNAMIC HYDROLOGY 001 15436 3 IS 101 R 07:10-10:00PM Boca Raton Teegavarapu, Rames Permission needed from department CLOSED 002 15437 20 3 LY 214 T 07:10-10:00PM Boca Raton Teegavarapu, Rames FEEDS, $100.00 Off Campus Activity Fee Permission needed from department FEEDS Videotaped classroom sessions
CWR 6818 WATER RESOURCE SYSTEM ENGINRNG 001 15373 3 T 06:00-08:50PM Boca Raton Teegavarapu, Rames Permission needed from department CLOSED 002 15374 3 LY 214 T 06:00-08:50PM Boca Raton Teegavarapu, Rames FEEDS, $100.00 Off Campus Activity Fee Permission needed from department FEEDS Videotaped classroom sessions CLOSED
ENV 6418 WATER SUPPLY AND TREATMENT 001 15433 20 2 3 IS 101 R 04:20-07:00PM Boca Raton Meeroff, Daniel E. Permission needed from department 002 15434 20 1 3 LY 214 R 04:20-07:00PM Boca Raton Meeroff, Daniel E. FEEDS, $100.00 Off Campus Activity Fee Permission needed from department FEEDS Videotaped classroom sessions
Courses offered at the Jupiter campus
CEG 4012 FOUNDATION ENGINEERING 002 15601 20 3 SR 270 TR 12:30-01:50PM Jupiter Sobhan, Khaled Permission needed from department Video Conf Receive Site
ENV 4514 WATER AND WASTEWATER TECHNOLGY 002 15622 3 TR 07:10-08:30PM Jupiter Bloetscher, Freder Permission needed from department Video Conf Receive Site CANCELLED 003 15956 28 1 3 SR 268 T 07:10-10:00PM Jupiter Bloetscher, Freder Permission needed from department Video Conf Receive Site
TTE 4004 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING 1 002 15602 3 MW 09:30-10:50AM Jupiter Kaisar, Evangelos Permission needed from department CANCELLED
Courses offered as Distance Learning courses

CEG 6105 ADV FOUNDATION ENGINEERING 003 10634 20 2 3 TBA Distance Learning Sobhan, Khaled FEEDS, $100.00 Off Campus Activity Fee Permission needed from department FEEDS Videotaped classroom sessions
CES 6607 ADVANCED STEEL STRUCTURES 003 15640 20 1 3 TBA Distance Learning Arockiasamy, Madas FEEDS, $100.00 Off Campus Activity Fee Permission needed from department FEEDS Videotaped classroom sessions
CGN 6930 MARINE STRUCTURES 003 14950 20 2 3 TBA Distance Learning Reddy, Dronnadula FEEDS, $100.00 Off Campus Activity Fee Permission needed from department FEEDS Videotaped classroom sessions
CGN 6930 HWAY TRAFFIC CHAR & MEASRMNTS 006 15123 20 2 3 TBA Distance Learning Kaisar, Evangelos FEEDS, $100.00 Off Campus Activity Fee Permission needed from department FEEDS Videotaped classroom sessions
CWR 6525 DYNAMIC HYDROLOGY 003 15438 20 3 TBA Distance Learning Teegavarapu, Rames FEEDS, $100.00 Off Campus Activity Fee Permission needed from department FEEDS Videotaped classroom sessions
CWR 6818 WATER RESOURCE SYSTEM ENGINRNG 003 15375 3 TBA Distance Learning Teegavarapu, Rames FEEDS, $100.00 Off Campus Activity Fee Permission needed from department FEEDS Videotaped classroom sessions CLOSED
ENV 6418 WATER SUPPLY AND TREATMENT 003 15435 20 3 3 TBA Distance Learning Meeroff, Daniel E. FEEDS, $100.00 Off Campus Activity Fee Permission needed from department FEEDS Videotaped classroom sessions [Back to Index] [Back to Dept]