
AL Philosophy

D.F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters

Philosophy Courses For Spring 2006

Last Updated: Thursday, October 12, 2006 at 21.04.52

 Course    Course Title     Credit            Meeting    Meeting                       
Pref Num  Sec   Call# Cap Enrl     Bld/Room    Days       Time        Campus           Instructor             

Courses offered at the Boca Raton campus
ASH 4600 HIST OF EASTERN IDEAS 002 15445 10 7 3 SO 300 TR 09:30-10:50AM Boca Raton Holloway, Ken Available for 60+Audit
HUM 3949 COOP EDUCATION-HUMANITIES S/U 001 12406 35 13 1- 4 TBA Boca Raton Keaton, Kenneth Permission needed from instructor
PHH 4440 LATE MODERN PHILOSOPHY 001 13658 32 15 3 BU 104 TR 12:30-01:50PM Boca Raton Banchetti, Marina Prerequisite course required PHH 3420
PHI 1012 REASON AND VALUE 001 13659 32 35 3 SO 250 W 07:10-10:00PM Boca Raton Miller, David Prerequisite course req'd with min. grade of C ENC 1101 Gordon Rule Course CLOSED 002 13660 32 32 3 SO 207 M 07:10-10:00PM Boca Raton Glynn, Simon V. Prerequisite course req'd with min. grade of C ENC 1101 Gordon Rule Course CLOSED 003 13661 32 35 3 BU 104 TR 02:00-03:20PM Boca Raton Headley, Clevis R. Prerequisite course req'd with min. grade of C ENC 1101 Gordon Rule Course CLOSED 004 13662 32 36 3 SO 207 MWF 01:00-01:50PM Boca Raton Dobson, Andrew M. Prerequisite course req'd with min. grade of C ENC 1101 Gordon Rule Course CLOSED 005 13663 32 32 3 PS 109 TR 09:30-10:50AM Boca Raton Dobson, Andrew M. Prerequisite course req'd with min. grade of C ENC 1101 Gordon Rule Course CLOSED 006 13664 180 179 3 SO 250 TR 11:00-12:20PM Boca Raton Gould, Carol S. Prerequisite course req'd with min. grade of C ENC 1101 Gordon Rule Course 007 13665 32 35 3 SO 207 MWF 11:00-11:50AM Boca Raton Dobson, Andrew M. Prerequisite course req'd with min. grade of C ENC 1101 Gordon Rule Course CLOSED 008 13666 32 32 3 AL 240 MWF 03:00-03:50PM Boca Raton Dobson, Andrew M. Prerequisite course req'd with min. grade of C ENC 1101 Gordon Rule Course CLOSED 009 13667 32 35 3 SO 270 R 07:10-10:00PM Boca Raton Marcelle, Daniel J Prerequisite course req'd with min. grade of C ENC 1101 Gordon Rule Course CLOSED 010 13668 180 179 3 NU 113 MW 10:00-10:50AM Boca Raton Embree, Lester E. Prerequisite course req'd with min. grade of C ENC 1101 Activity corequisite required DIS Gordon Rule Course
PHI 1012 Discussion 011 13669 30 28 0 ED 116 F 10:00-10:50AM Boca Raton Hilpert, Micheline Section corequisite required PHI 1012010 012 13670 30 29 0 BU 409 F 10:00-10:50AM Boca Raton O'Donnell, Kathryn Section corequisite required PHI 1012010 013 13671 30 29 0 BU 308 F 10:00-10:50AM Boca Raton Cloutier, Christin Section corequisite required PHI 1012010 014 13672 30 30 0 BU 307 F 11:00-11:50AM Boca Raton Cloutier, Christin Section corequisite required PHI 1012010 CLOSED 015 13673 30 30 0 ED 113 F 11:00-11:50AM Boca Raton Hilpert, Micheline Section corequisite required PHI 1012010 CLOSED 016 13674 30 27 0 ED 114 F 11:00-11:50AM Boca Raton O'Donnell, Kathryn Section corequisite required PHI 1012010
PHI 3453 PHILOSOPHY OF PSYCHIATRY 001 14938 32 29 3 BU 105 TR 02:00-03:20PM Boca Raton Gould, Carol S.
PHI 4700 PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION 001 14939 32 30 3 SO 270 MWF 12:00-12:50PM Boca Raton Ruf, Henry L.
PHI 4800 AESTHETICS & ART THEORY 001 14940 32 31 4 GS 109 TR 04:00-05:50PM Boca Raton Gould, Carol S.
PHI 4905 DIRECTED INDEPENDENT STUDY 001 13680 30 1 1- 4 TBA Boca Raton Banchetti, Marina Permission needed from instructor
PHM 3200 SOCIAL & POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY 001 14941 32 33 3 GS 109 TR 11:00-12:20PM Boca Raton Headley, Clevis R. CLOSED
PHP 3792 POST-STRUCTURALISM 001 14942 32 18 3 SO 170 M 04:00-06:50PM Boca Raton Glynn, Simon V.
PHP 4786 EXISTENTIALISM 001 14943 32 26 3 SO 300 MWF 10:00-10:50AM Boca Raton Ruf, Henry L.
PHI 6930 RENSSNC THOUGHT/SCIENTIFIC REV 001 14944 5 2 3 AH 108 W 04:00-06:50PM Boca Raton Banchetti, Marina
PHI 6930 MODERN & CONTEMPORARY PHILSPHY 002 14945 3 W 07:10-10:00PM Boca Raton Glynn, Simon V. CANCELLED
PHI 6930 MOVEMENT, MIND & MEANING 003 14946 5 2 3 AH 108 T 04:00-06:50PM Boca Raton Shusterman, Richar
Courses offered at Other campuses
PHI 2952 PHILOSOPHY STUDY ABROAD 001 13676 30 1- 4 TBA Other Pandya, Abhijit S. Permission needed from instructor Senior or higher
PHI 4957 PHILOSOPHY STUDY ABROAD 001 13685 10 1- 4 TBA Other Banchetti, Marina Permission needed from instructor Sophomore or higher [Back to Index] [Back to Dept]