
ED Exceptional Student Education

College of Education

Exceptional Student Education Courses For Spring 2006

Last Updated: Thursday, October 12, 2006 at 21.04.52

 Course    Course Title     Credit            Meeting    Meeting                       
Pref Num  Sec   Call# Cap Enrl     Bld/Room    Days       Time        Campus           Instructor             

Courses offered at the Boca Raton campus
EEX 2010 SURVEY OF EXCEPTIONALITIES 001 11588 35 6 3 ED 112 T 04:20-07:00PM Boca Raton Ramasamy, Rangasam Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) For details, visit
EEX 4070 INCLUSIVE ED FOR GENRL EDCTRS 001 11591 35 33 3 ED 114 R 09:00-11:50AM Boca Raton Ramasamy, Rangasam Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) For details, visit 002 11592 25 25 3 ED 111 T 01:00-03:50PM Boca Raton Dukes, Charles Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) For details, visit CLOSED 003 11593 35 34 3 ED 112 W 04:20-07:00PM Boca Raton Dukes, Charles Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) For details, visit 004 11594 35 16 3 ED 120 S 09:00-04:00PM Boca Raton Bucholz, Jessica Important info at Fast Track Course Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) For details, visit
EEX 4101 LANGUAGE & SPEECH DISORDERS 001 11600 35 17 3 ED 114 R 04:20-07:00PM Boca Raton Smiley, Lydia R. Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) For details, visit
EEX 4221 ASSMNT OF EXCPTNL INDIVIDUALS 001 11603 35 11 3 AC 119 T 09:30-12:20PM Boca Raton Taylor, Ronald L. College of Education $10.00 Lab Fee
EEX 4840 PROF DEV PRAC EXCPT STDNT EDUC 001 11606 45 1 3 TBA Boca Raton Garcia, Lori Permission needed from instructor Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) For details, visit
EEX 4946 STUDENT TEACHING:EXCPT STUDENT S/U 001 11609 30 5 8-12 MTWRF 08:00-12:00PM Boca Raton Garcia, Lori
EEX 6056 THEORIES & CHARACT OF INDIV IN 001 11614 35 4 3 ED 112 M 04:20-07:00PM Boca Raton Larocque, Michelle Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) For details, visit Web-Assisted regular class w/ less than 25 pct Web
EEX 6225 PROFILING OF EXCEPTIONAL INDIV 001 11619 35 4 3 ED 112 R 04:20-07:00PM Boca Raton Vaccaro, Terrence
EEX 6259 COGNITIVE META COG STRATEGIES 002 15062 30 5 3 ED 125 T 04:20-07:00PM Boca Raton Smiley, Lydia R.
EEX 6863 GRAD INTERN VARYING EXCEPTNALI 003 11623 20 3- 6 TBA Boca Raton Tba, Staff Permission needed from instructor Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) For details, visit
EEX 6905 EFF COM MGMT ST BEH 001 11625 35 1 1- 3 TBA Boca Raton Garcia, Lori Permission needed from instructor
EEX 7618 ADV APPLIED BEHAV ANALYSIS 001 15550 12 5 3 ED 411 R 04:20-07:00PM Boca Raton Brady, Michael P.
EEX 7906 INCREASING WRITING PERFORMANCE 001 11630 35 1 1- 5 TBA Boca Raton Dukes, Charles Permission needed from instructor
EEX 7945 INTERNSHIP 001 11633 30 3- 6 TBA Boca Raton Tba, Staff Permission needed from instructor
EEX 7980 DISSERTATION S/U 001 11634 35 1-10 TBA Boca Raton Taylor, Ronald L. Brady, Michael P. Duffy, Mary L. Permission needed from instructor
EEX 7980 DISSERTATION S/U 003 16806 30 2 1-10 TBA Boca Raton Brady, Michael P. S/U 004 16807 30 2 1-10 TBA Boca Raton Smiley, Lydia R. S/U 005 16808 30 1 1-10 TBA Boca Raton Taylor, Ronald L. S/U 006 16809 30 1 1-10 TBA Boca Raton Duffy, Mary L. S/U 007 16810 30 1 1-10 TBA Boca Raton Smiley, Lydia R.
Courses offered at the Davie campus
EEX 4070 INCLUSIVE ED FOR GENRL EDCTRS 005 11595 35 35 3 ES 118 T 01:00-03:50PM Davie Wilson, Cynthia L. Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) For details, visit CLOSED 006 11596 35 26 3 ES 118 R 04:20-07:00PM Davie Rody, Carla Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) For details, visit
EEX 4101 LANGUAGE & SPEECH DISORDERS 002 11601 35 17 3 ES 119 R 12:00-02:50PM Davie Goldstein, Peggy A Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) For details, visit
EEX 4221 ASSMNT OF EXCPTNL INDIVIDUALS 002 11604 35 18 3 ES 102 W 12:30-03:20PM Davie Warde, Beverly College of Education $10.00 Lab Fee
EEX 4840 PROF DEV PRAC EXCPT STDNT EDUC 002 11607 5 3 TBA Davie Garcia, Lori Permission needed from instructor Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) For details, visit
EEX 4946 STUDENT TEACHING:EXCPT STUDENT S/U 002 11610 35 9 8-12 MTWRF 08:00-12:00PM Davie Garcia, Lori
EEX 5245 MTHDS-ERLY CHLDHD EXCPTNL STD 001 11613 3 T 04:20-07:00PM Davie Goldstein, Peggy A CANCELLED
EEX 5602 BEHAVIOR CHNG & MGMT STRATGS 001 15060 35 5 3 LA 328 M 05:00-07:45PM Davie Wilson, Cynthia L.
EEX 6121 TCHNG LNG TO EXCPTNL INDVDL 002 11617 35 3 3 LA 228 W 04:20-07:00PM Davie Surinak, Tricia Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) For details, visit
EEX 6863 GRAD INTERN VARYING EXCEPTNALI 004 11624 20 1 3- 6 TBA Davie Duffy, Mary L. Warde, Beverly Permission needed from instructor Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) For details, visit
EEX 6905 DIRECTED INDEPENDENT STUDY 002 11626 35 1- 3 TBA Davie Tba, Staff Permission needed from instructor
EEX 7906 DIRECTED INDEPENDENT STUDY 002 11631 35 1- 5 TBA Davie Tba, Staff Permission needed from instructor
EEX 7980 DISSERTATION S/U 002 11635 35 1-10 TBA Davie Tba, Staff Permission needed from instructor
Courses offered at the Jupiter campus
EEX 4070 INCLUSIVE ED FOR GENRL EDCTRS 007 11597 35 26 3 EC 105 W 01:00-03:50PM Jupiter Caldwell, Mary Lou Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) For details, visit
EEX 4221 ASSMNT OF EXCPTNL INDIVIDUALS 003 11605 28 19 3 EC 105 M 04:20-07:00PM Jupiter Duffy, Mary L. College of Education $10.00 Lab Fee
EEX 4840 PROF DEV PRAC EXCPT STDNT EDUC 003 11608 5 3 TBA Jupiter Garcia, Lori Permission needed from instructor Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) For details, visit
EEX 4946 STUDENT TEACHING:EXCPT STUDENT S/U 003 11611 24 1 8-12 MTWRF 08:00-12:00PM Jupiter Garcia, Lori
EEX 5602 BEHAVIOR CHNG & MGMT STRATGS 002 15061 35 6 3 AD 102 M 04:20-07:00PM Jupiter Scott, John (Jack)
EEX 6121 TCHNG LNG TO EXCPTNL INDVDL 001 11616 15 5 3 EC 202 W 04:20-07:00PM Jupiter Larocque, Michelle Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) For details, visit
EEX 6259 COGNITIVE META COG STRATEGIES 001 15063 28 5 3 EC 102 T 04:20-07:00PM Jupiter Duffy, Mary L.
EEX 6863 GRAD INTERN VARYING EXCEPTNALI 001 11621 30 1 3- 6 TBA Jupiter Ramasamy, Rangasam Permission needed from instructor Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) For details, visit
EEX 6905 DIRECTED INDEPENDENT STUDY 003 11627 5 1- 3 TBA Jupiter Tba, Staff Permission needed from instructor
EEX 7906 DIRECTED INDEPENDENT STUDY 003 11632 30 1- 5 TBA Jupiter Tba, Staff Permission needed from instructor
Courses offered at the Port St.Lucie campus
EEX 4070 INCLUSIVE ED FOR GENRL EDCTRS 008 11599 32 20 3 SL 101 T 04:20-07:00PM Port St.Lucie Brashear, Janet W. Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) For details, visit
EEX 4101 LANGUAGE & SPEECH DISORDERS 003 11602 32 15 3 SL 102 T 04:20-07:00PM Port St.Lucie Schmidt, Jean M. Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) For details, visit
EEX 4946 STUDENT TEACHING:EXCPT STUDENT S/U 004 11612 24 4 8-12 MTWRF 08:00-12:00PM Port St.Lucie Garcia, Lori
EEX 6056 THEORIES & CHARACT OF INDIV IN 002 11615 3 M 04:20-07:00PM Port St.Lucie Tba, Staff Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) For details, visit CANCELLED
EEX 6225 PROFILING OF EXCEPTIONAL INDIV 002 11620 1 3 M 04:20-07:00PM Port St.Lucie Duffy, Mary L. CLOSED
EEX 6863 GRAD INTERN VARYING EXCEPTNALI 002 11622 35 2 3- 6 TBA Port St.Lucie Duffy, Mary L. Permission needed from instructor Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) For details, visit
EEX 6905 DIRECTED INDEPENDENT STUDY 004 11628 20 1- 3 TBA Port St.Lucie Tba, Staff Permission needed from instructor
Courses offered as Distance Learning courses
EDG 4930 BLDG CLASSRM DISCIPLINE & MGMT 007 15951 35 35 3 TBA Distance Learning Garcia, Lori Dist Lrng - see Fully online class using the Internet CLOSED
EEX 2010 SURVEY OF EXCEPTIONALITIES 002 11589 25 14 3 TBA Distance Learning Caldwell, Mary Lou Dist Lrng - see Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) For details, visit Fully online class that uses Blackboard
EED 5050 THRY/CHRCTRSTC EMOT HNDCPD IND 001 15935 3 3 TBA Distance Learning Wilson, Cynthia L. Dist Lrng - see
EEX 5015 SRVY:ERLY CHLDHD IN EXCEP STU 001 15936 20 8 3 TBA Distance Learning Goldstein, Peggy A Dist Lrng - see Fully online class that uses Blackboard
EEX 5051 THE EXCEPTIONAL INDIVIDUAL 001 15914 3 TBA Distance Learning Goldstein, Peggy A Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) For details, visit Dist Lrng - see Fully online class using the Internet CANCELLED
EGI 5246 EDUCATING SPEC POP OF GIFTED 001 15551 25 9 3 TBA Distance Learning Faivus, Anne E. Brady, Michael P. Dist Lrng - see Fully online class using the Internet
EGI 5302 THRY/CHRCTRSTCS GIFTED INDIV 001 15552 25 3 3 TBA Distance Learning White, Willard L. Dist Lrng - see Fully online class using the Internet
Courses offered at Other campuses
EDG 4930 BLDG CLASSRM DISCIPLINE & MGMT 002 15868 35 33 3 S 08:30-05:00PM Other Lamar-Dukes, Pamel Permission needed from instructor Fast Track Course Important info at 003 15870 35 32 3 S 08:30-05:00PM Other Dukes, Charles Permission needed from instructor Fast Track Course Important info at
EEX 4937 POSITIVE BEHAVIOR SUPP: EC 002 15553 3 S TB:A- Other Larocque, Michelle Important info at Fast Track Course CANCELLED
EEX 4937 BLENDED CURRIC: BIRTH TO AGE 8 003 15915 30 20 3 S 09:00-04:00PM Other Darling, Sharon Important info at Fast Track Course [Back to Index] [Back to Dept]