
Browse Faculty

Assistant Professor of Teaching

Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

EE 434


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Mahsa Ranji

Professor and I-SENSE Fellow

Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Department of Biomedical Engineering

EE 315

561.297.0089, mranji@fau.edu

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Daniel Raviv, Ph.D.


Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

EE 420

561.297.2773, ravivd@fau.edu

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Barry T. Rosson, Ph.D.


Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatics Engineering

EW 213

561.297.4554, rosson@fau.edu

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Zvi Roth, Ph.D.

Professor and Graduate Advisor

Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Department of Biomedical Engineering

EE 519

561.297.3471, rothz@fau.edu

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