October 16, 2002 Agenda
Florida Atlantic University
Majestic Palm Room, University Center - 10:00 AM

  • Approval of Minutes

  • Chairman's Report

  • President's Report

  • Approval of June 17, 2002 Finance and Audit Committee Recommendations

Presentation: Robert Friedman

Approval of July 24, 2002, Committee on Academic and Student Affairs Committee

  1. Approval of revised à£à£Ö±²¥Ðã Review Procedures.

  2. Approval to Discontinue à£à£Ö±²¥Ðã in Medical Laboratory Science
    (Med Tech)

Approval of October 10, 2002 Committee on Academic and Student Affairs Committee Recommendations

  1. Approval of Candidates for Tenure as a Condition of Employment

  2. Approval of Plan to Upgrade FAU Faculty Salaries

  3. Approval of Request Authorizing the College of Education to Assist in
    Development of a Research Charter School

Approval of October 10, 2002 Finance and Audit Committee Recommendation

  1. Approval of a Memorandum of Understanding with Museum of Art,
    Inc., Fort Lauderdale, Florida Atlantic University

  2. Approval of Rule 6C5-6.008, Purchasing à£à£Ö±²¥Ðã and the Repeal of
    Rule 6C5-6.011, FAU Endowment Trust Fund for Eminent Scholars

  3. Approval on Section 125, IRS Benefit Requirements for Qualified
    Benefits Plan

  4. Approval of the Transition Plan for Implementation of the Finance
    and Human Resources Systems
  • Old Business/New Business

  • University Faculty Council - Fred Hoffman

  • United Faculty of Florida - Michael Harris

  • Public Comment